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Human Rights in Economic Policy

Rights Claiming and Accountability

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Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | Scotland
July 31, 2023
Alison Hosie, of the Scottish Human Rights Commission, argues for using human rights principles to shape the Scottish budgetary process, in order to "build back better."
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An Advocacy Toolkit for Fiscal Justice and Human Rights
July 27, 2023
The Advocacy Toolkit assists civil society organizations who want to leverage human rights standards and strategies in their pursuit of accountability for injustices rooted in economic policy.
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Forging Tools for Fiscal Justice in the Andean Region
July 27, 2023
Since 2016, CESR has worked with civil society partners in Peru and Colombia to build greater consensus on how public resources can be more equitably generated and distributed, in line with human rights obligations.
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Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Human Rights in Peru